Reviews From Business & Professional Organizations
Maine Automobile Dealers Association, Inc.
Augusta, Maine
"Your hour-long musical comedy routine was very well received by MADA conventioneers. Audience reaction was great, and you even managed to get some to participate in your routine -- not an easy accomplishment with our group. Your humor was a very good cap to the first day of our convention. Some were even heard to repeat portions of your routine the next day, generating another round of laughter."
- Thomas T. Brown, Jr., Executive Vice-President
Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association
Augusta, Maine
"Jackson is a perennial favorite at the Common Ground Country Fair, both he and his material have grown during the fair's 21 year history. His consummate skills and warmth as an emcee ensure that the programs he hosts are a hit. No one has a chance to get tired of Jackson's material because it is fresh every year. Not only was "Riot in the Garden" educational, it was a wonderful participatory mix of comedy, music, and stories that delighted children of all ages. Our participants, who are career farmers, really enjoyed the customized version. Jackson added material about cranberry, potato, and apple farmers, details we've come to expect from him. As 'The Stand-Up Chameleon' Jackson can be relied on to do his part to make any event an unqualified success."
- Susan Pierce, Special Events Director
Hopkinton, Massachusetts
"The entertainment that you provided for us was 'right on the mark.' Your many characters, funny stories, quirky skits, and musical spoofs really helped to 'lighten us up' after a long day of work. Engaging the audience was attention getting and quite lively. I especially appreciated the way you customized your program to address our requirements; the final song about the Internet was hysterical. I must say your title of 'The Stand-Up Chameleon' is most appropriate."
- Karen K. Keefe, Organization Development & Education Manager
Portland Water District
Portland, Maine
"I had the opportunity and pleasure to be entertained by Jackson Gillman at the Maine Water Utilities Annual Meeting in 1997. The particular setting was the annual banquet of the association and a relatively 'stuffy' group. Gillman entertained the group of nearly 350 people for about thirty minutes and was thoroughly enjoyable and amusing. He is a talented actor who can tailor his presentation to the audience and can build a multi-faceted act around a theme."
- Jeff Nixon, Director of Operations
Propane Gas Association of New England
Moultonboro, New Hampshire
"Our Association had the pleasure of being entertained by Jackson Gillman on two occasions. Jackson is an incredible comic as well as guitarist keeping us in laughter and high spirits throughout his performance. He took the time to learn about our group before the show and then tailored many of his comments and stories just for us. It was great! He is highly creative giving two entirely different performances to each of our groups. If you have an event where you would really like something different and really fun, Jackson is certain to provide you with a fun evening."
- Judy Taylor, Regional Director
Maine Occupational Information Coordinating Committee
Augusta, Maine
"You will be happy to know that your humorous presentation received the highest evaluation from the 90 individuals who completed the evaluations. Outstanding to say the least! Comments on the forms included the following:
'Jackson Gillman was great!'
'Jackson's presentation was an excellent change of pace and it was energizing.'
'Injecting Gillman's humor was a positive addition; it raised my level of energy and alertness.'
Thank you so much for rounding out our conference. You helped make this year's conference the best we have had in three years."
- Denis E. Fortier, MOICC Senior Staff member